Getting Started
This is a step by step guide to the private beta of the Luca Suite for financial disclosure automation infrastructure. The Luca Suite is still in development and should not be used commercially.
STEP 1 - Go to the private beta site
STEP 2 - Select "Register"
Select "Register"
You can login to Auditchain Suite using Web2 methods such as Google and Web3 methods such as Metamask.
STEP 3 - Complete and verify registration
STEP 4 - Login to the Luca Suite
STEP 5 - Select Luca
STEP 6 - Dashboard
You will be taken to the main dashboard of Luca which contains a list of reports that you have created. Because you have not created any reports, your list of reports will be empty.
STEP 7 - Create a white paper
Press the green “+” button in the top menu and you will be prompted to add a new report. Type in the name of the report you would like to create such as “MiCA White Paper” into the Report name text box. Then press the “Create a report” button.
STEP 8 - Create the white paper by loading an existing template.
There are many approaches that can be used to create a white paper or a report. Automation occurs via API. You can manually enter information or import information from a reporting scheme template.
In this case, we will choose an existing template or "model".
Select “Create report by loading template from financial reporting scheme library and clock "Start Now".
STEP 9 - Select the MiCA Prototype
Select the MiCA Prototype and click next.
STEP 10 - Import and select
Select each of the elements you need in the list of elements on the right. Depending on what type of crypto asset your white paper describes, you will choose the elements in one of the Annexes. Annex I is used for crypto assets other than Asset Referenced Tokens or E-Money Tokens. In this case we choose elements in Annex I which is used for a utility token. Then click next.
STEP 11 - You are ready to compose your white paper.
You can now use each of the elements on the right to compose the relevant information. Be sure to save your work before moving on to the next element.
STEP 12 - Validate
Press the “Validate” button in the upper right-hand corner and select “Local Validation”. This is useful for internal audit functions to verify compliance internally. When the report validation is complete you will see the following:
STEP 13 - Print to iXBRL. Its that simple!
When you have completed and validated your white paper, click the blue "Generate" button on the top right and choose iXBRL.
STEP 14 - Enter the information required in the dialogue box.
A dialogue box will pop up after you click generate>iXBRL. Enter the information required in each of the data fields then choose the style sheet and click "Publish".
YOU ARE LIVE! - Here is a sample of a beautiful high quality machine readable white paper!
Last updated