Getting Started

This is a step by step guide to the private beta of the Luca Suite for financial disclosure automation infrastructure. The Luca Suite is still in development and should not be used commercially.

STEP 1 - Go to the private beta site

STEP 2 - Select "Register"

Select "Register"

You can login to Auditchain Suite using Web2 methods such as Google and Web3 methods such as Metamask.

STEP 3 - Complete and verify registration

STEP 4 - Login to the Auditchain Suite

STEP 5 - Select Luca

STEP 6 - Dashboard

You will be taken to the main dashboard of Luca which contains a list of reports that you have created. Because you have not created any reports, your list of reports will be empty.

STEP 7 - Create a report

Press the green “+” button in the top menu and you will be prompted to add a new report. Type in the name of the report you would like to create such as “My First Report” into the Report name text box. Then press the “Create a report” button.

STEP 8 - Create report by importing Excel or JSON file(s)

There are many approaches that can be used to create a report. Automation occurs via API. You can manually enter information or import information from a reporting scheme template.

In this case, we will import from Excel or JSON. To do this you need to download THIS ZIP FILE which contains two files: Excel and JSON:

Unzip the ZIP archive to make the files available locally on your computer. Decide if you want to use the Excel or JSON version of the import file.

Select “Create report by importing Excel or JSON file(s) and then press the blue “GO” button:

STEP 9 - Select the Excel or JSON file you want to import

Select the Excel file or JSON file from your computer. (Note that you need to extract the files from the ZIP FILE you downloaded.

STEP 10 - Import

After you select the file, you want to import, the following form will be displayed which shows you the information contained in that file which has been converted to JSON. Press the “Send data” button to import the information contained in the import file you selected.

STEP 11 - View the imported report information

After the information from the import file has been loaded into Auditchain Luca, press the button outlined in RED below on the right side to expand the tree of report structures. Press “Balance Sheet [Hypercube]” and what you see should match what you see below:

STEP 12 - Validate Report

Press the “Validate” button in the upper RIGHT-hand corner and select “Local Validation”. When the report validation is complete you will see the following:


The next step is to explore Luca. At this juncture, try clicking on the tabs at the top center of the form you see or the blue “Generate” button on the right.

You will want to explore the legend at the bottom right corner of the application and get familiar with the report model component categories. The User Guide explains each of the those components and give a use case example.

Last updated