Vesting Contracts

Functional Specifications of Vesting for Adopters - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY



Launchpads and exchanges play a major role in the launch of all crypto projects. They contribute to the success of a project due to their ability to raise substantial amounts of awareness and promote adoption of each project by their users.

In December, 2021, these service providers demanded the substantial reduction of the amount of AUDT in circulation. As the result, we deployed a token bridge that migrates all AUDT to new vesting contracts on Polygon.

The functionality of the bridge creates an incentive system to facilitate the burn of all AUDT on Ethereum in a timely manner and complete the migration to Polygon. In addition, the bridge will automate the completion of a redesign of the AUDT Token metrics that meets the specifications of service providers and benefit our ecosystem as support for AUDT is added by service providers.


This section provides instructions to those who have not yet migrated. Some of the oldest HODLers do not watch our social media channels or pay attention to updates. Therefore, in order to protect them from hurting themselves and hurting the ecosystem, a lock was placed on all addresses that did not migrate by February 1, 2022.

If you are unable to move your AUDT to the new vesting contracts on Polygon, please complete THIS FORM as soon as possible. You will receive an email from containing detailed instructions for you to migrate to the new vesting contracts on Polygon.


If your tokens were native to Ethereum you must CLICK HERE to migrate.

If your tokens were native to Polygon you must CLICK HERE to migrate.

The next section describes each of the adoption classes in explicit detail.

Adoption Classes

There are three AUDT adoption classes and one Team class:

  • Early Adopters - 2017 - 2018

  • New Adopters - 2021

  • IDO Adopters - December 14, 2021

  • Team - Vesting begins June 3, 2022

Vesting Cliff and Timeline

There are three vesting cliffs:

  1. Early adopters and private sale - Cliff begins December 3, 2021

  2. IDO - Cliff begins March 7, 2022

  3. Team and Advisers - Cliff begins June 3, 2022

Early Adopters

Early adopters purchased a total of 30,000,000 AUDT on Ethereum and received a 10% bonus for migrating. This class can now claim a total of 33,000,000 AUDT from the vesting contract.

They may view their vesting statement by connecting here with their Metamask wallet address and clicking the Early Contributors tab.

Vesting began on December 3, 2021. Vesting occurs equally, every day for 366 days. Early adopters may claim any or all vested amounts from the vesting contract during the vesting period. IF YOU CLAIM ANY AMOUNT, YOU WILL LOSE THE VESTING BONUS ON THE AMOUNT YOU CLAIM.

Those who are entitled to vesting can access their vesting statement and claiming dashboard here.

Vesting Bonus for Early Adopters

Early adopters will receive a vesting bonus equal to 110% of the balance of AUDT in the vesting contract on day 366. The bonus is calculated by multiplying balance2.1balance*2.1

The bonus is designed to incentivize long term behavior. The bonus is reduced if claims are made on any vested amount prior to the expiration of the vesting period.

Example: Alice bought 1000 AUDT. When she migrated, she received an additional 100 AUDT as a bonus for migrating and now has a total of 1100 AUDT in the vesting contract. In addition, if she leaves the entire 1100 AUDT in the vesting contract until day 366, she will receive a total of 2310 AUDT. This equates to an additional bonus of 1210 AUDT. If Alice claims 500 during the vesting period and leaves 600 in the contract, she will only receive a total of 1260 AUDT on day 366.

New Adopters

New Adopters purchased a total of 10,850,351 AUDT and received a 10% bonus for migrating. This class can now claim a total of 11,935,386.1 AUDT from the vesting contract.

They may view their vesting statement and make a claim by connecting here with their Metamask wallet address and clicking the Private Sale tab.

Vesting began on December 3, 2021. Vesting occurs equally, every day for 366 days. Private sale participants may claim any or all vested amounts from the vesting contract during the vesting period. IF YOU CLAIM ANY AMOUNT, YOU WILL LOSE THE VESTING BONUS ON THE AMOUNT YOU CLAIM.

Vesting Bonus for New Adopters

New adopters receive a bonus equal to 20% of the balance of AUDT in the vesting contract on day 366. The bonus is calculated by multiplying balance.2balance*.2

The bonus is designed to incentivize long term behavior. The bonus is reduced if claims are made on any vested amount prior to day 366.

Example: Bob bought 1000 AUDT. When he migrated he received an additional 100 AUDT for migrating and now has a total of 1100 AUDT in the vesting contract. In addition, if he leaves the entire 1100 AUDT in the vesting contract until day 366, he will receive a total of 1320 AUDT. If Bob claims 500 during the vesting period and leaves 600 in the contract, he will only receive a total of 720 AUDT on day 366.

Team Vesting

The team and advisers are currently granted 16,600,000 AUDT. All team members and advisers are subject to vesting.

Vesting for all team members and advisers begins on June 3, 2022. All team members and advisors vest equally every day over 365 days. Any team member or adviser may claim any or all vested amounts from the vesting contract during the vesting period. No claims may be made by any team or adviser until June 3, 2022.

The formula for vesting for all team members and advisors is : Allocation/365Allocation/365

No bonus is added to the vesting contracts for the team and advisers.


IDO adopters purchased a total of 1,000,000 AUDT. They received 100,000 AUDT on March 7, 2022. The remaining 900,000 vests equally every day until March 7, 2023 with no bonus.

Last updated

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